Been unable to wake up on time for school. 
Pre cny mood ?. 
But definitely spending my last year in poly to the fullest.. 
Off to town with L and X in my slackest manner where I will never be in at all. 
Always a joy with them 😊 

Put down all barriers, as everything will be fine. 
If things happen, things happen. 
If you fall, just stand up again. 
If they reminds you of the past, forgive and forget.. 
For you're happier if you forgive.. 
Sacrifice as it will be worthy. 
Everything has it's risk. 
For someone who dares to try everything that can give trills and excitement, why scared of falling hard ?.. 
It won't kill.. Prolly just hurt and never love again.. 
Note to self. 
But, it's easier said than done! 
Because I know guys well.. 

"" was Posted On: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 @1:30:00 AM | 0 lovely comments