Ok, so, I tried my best to wake up early for my Monday 8am class. But sad to say. After preparing, I think it's too late to go to class as there won't be attendance for late comers anyway.. 
Therefore, I made some pancakes before heading to school. Yeah. I know. My first pic was my failed looking ugly pancakes. 
The 2nd one was better. But too small. But who cares. Ate some and left the rest for my parents who were still sleeping when I leave house 😒 how good life ! 
One of the busiest and most panicking day ever in school.. Naval architecture 3 proj was due at 5pm.
Luckily with the help of everyone, we manage to finish doing it :) 
Gotten 2/100 for offshore engineering. The most pathetic results ever. 
Tho I'm not the only one 😂 for those who have seen the pic in my twitter. 

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