One of the best weekend I can say . 
Back to partying after 3 weeks ! 
Another bucket club list down . Which is Bianca !!! 
Also, I think I'm quite good at buying clothes for guys alr ! Hahaha 😂 handed the guys their bkk gifts. 
The worse was the blazer !! 
Cause I actually hand washed , iron and sprayed his perfume for him! But luckily it fits him just nice ;)
My kind of Friday. 
Met up with Eugene, joven and the rest in the bus cause Eugene wants me to meet him first.. 
Met up with Lynn and sis at Bianca and sis was alr drunk before she even came cq ! LOL ! 
Went to playhouse when the others reached.. 
Best part was my fav god bro came too!. More of a cousins party!. 
Jade and yx came over to playhouse and we headed to Bianca..
Everything was great until the end... Wx vomited blood and was sent to the hospital. Wanted to head over to mink but my leg hurts badly!. 

My kind of sat! 
Waking up with hangover and was told to go RR for dinner. But I met Joyce to town for dinner instead.. Impromptu to Bianca and playhouse just to pop by and show face.. :) 

"" was Posted On: Sunday, October 6, 2013 @1:40:00 AM | 0 lovely comments