Presents from Troy.. Im sure the toy will end up with my dogs..
another wrapped present that cant be open until i feel that its the "end of the world" -,-.. no idea why.. so im gna patiently wait till the end of the world is coming then .. birthday card was a 5 page essay.. longest ever received.. Thanks alot. ! 
Training for work today was kinda boring... Months since i work for demo power.. Since boyfr aint around.. should spend some time working instead... Should i work for chevrons event on 3rd?? hmm..Working for caesars and sheba seems quite nice. gotta wear blazer to work... so much better than the rest.. all gotta wear some plain t. best is i BFF is working there, ZY working for same area and we can all have lunchie together (: 
Another 6days till boyfr is back !!Hope he is doing fine ! Seems like gna rain tonight.. hope it doesnt rain there.

"" was Posted On: Thursday, September 20, 2012 @11:21:00 PM | 0 lovely comments