celebrated his b'day ytd at bbq .. was alright i guess...
just some unhappiness..
quite fun there.. with BABY accompanying me (:
pack up and wanted to hail a cab.. but then we were at pit G !!
no cab at all and walk a long long dist..
haha !! and saw a snake.. lols !! the cars are so cruel ..
killed the snake by driving over it..
haha.... after all the bbq .. went to plaza sing for supper..
but only some people ate.
somehow .. walk to the bus stop round 11 plus..
and there was no bus ==
walk for so long and tired.. to cut the story short...
we walk for an hour to mid orchard from plaza sing.. .and was so tired....
thanks BABY for helping me to carry my bag. haha (:
was half asleep when walking (:
wanted to take the night bus... but then the bus drive so fast ...
and we miss it.. took the cab in the end.....
and baby send me home (:

&at last i found him (:

"" was Posted On: Saturday, March 21, 2009 @11:00:00 PM | 0 lovely comments